Sygic Mobile Maps 10 V8 16 Europe (1874 Mb)

How to upgrade to Mobile Maps 10:

1. Uninstall Sygic Mobile Maps 9 from your Nokia N900. Go to App Manager in your device click on Uninstall and choose Mobile Maps Application.Confirm by clicking Uninstall.

After you have uninstalled Mobile Maps from your device connect your mobile phone to your PC/Mac in Mass storage mode / Data transfer mode (not PC Suite mode or ActiveSync) so the device will be present as separate Disk letter in My Computer (for Windows) or Disk icon on Desktop (for Mac OS X). Open the folder with your device and you should see folders: /Drive /Maps/Res and SetupMobileMaps.deb. Delete those folders just to be sure they are not located in your device.

2. Please click on the link below to download .zip archive with files needed to run application (+/2GB).

3.After downloading unzip this archive.If you have Windows ME or XP Vista Widows7 or Mac OS X just doubleclick on the zip file or folder it should open just as if it was a regular file or folder on your computer.

4. Copy content of unzipped folder (folders: /Drive /Maps /Res etc...) directly to root of Internal memory drive.(It is necessary to copy all folders to Internal memory not SD card. Otherwise application wonΓ

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