How to download Facebook photo albums of friends and yourself

If you want to download pictures from internet its easy as right clicking on it -> Save Image as But if you want to download lots of pictures like facebook album it wont be easy to right click on every one and saving it.
There are many apps,software’s are designed to help you with this issue. One is FBdownloader  thats the most popular one but I found that its not convenient as it should be. You should give your fb login credentials to use it and you can only download your frinds photos and your photos but even to download your friends photo albums, they must have set the albums are public and even when you can view it on web browser fbdownloader wont allow to download photo albums of your friends if they marked them as “Private” or “Friends only” .  So its not a good option.
And when I was searching for the most convenient and easy solution I found great Google Chrome extension for doing this.

download facebook photo albums How to download Facebook photo albums of friends and yourself

However Im using firefox for browsing but I have chrome and use it sometimes so it being a chrome extension isn’t much a problem to me.  You can find the extension and install from here- DOWNLOAD
Instruction on that page says this-
1. Link to the album on your facebook page.
2. Click the “Download FB phtos” Icon.
3. You will see all photos on a new tab.
4. Press “Ctrl+S” and select “Save whole pages”.
5. Great! You will see a folder including all the photos in this album.
However as the instruction says you need to open up the album on your chrome browser and click the download photos icon which is located on your right corner of address bar.
fb photo download chrome How to download Facebook photo albums of friends and yourself
All other steps are easy to follow and you will have the ability to download any photo album that you can view on web browser unlike the limitations of fbdownloder

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