Hot Director spending crores on a Telugu girl

 After Urmila Matondkar, Nisha Kothari, Antara Mali and Jiah Khan, Ram Gopal Verma is showering his affections on Madhu Shalini, Telugu girl from Hyderabad.Ram Gopal Varma was introduced to Madhu Shalini by his old friend Puri Jagannath, during the shoot of Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap.

Now the latest buzz is, Madhu is now Ramu's latest muse. He is leaving no stone unturned to present the actress in the best possible way in Department.He will apparently be spending Rs 1 crore on a single song. It's surprising since RGV had earlier made his film Not A Love Story in a budget of Rs 80 lakh.

However, when contacted, Ramu laughed off the news and said, "She is just playing a role in Department along with two others and we are not even good friends. You can ask her that." Interestingly, despite him not being friends with Madhu, the filmmaker follows her on a popular networking site.

So very soon we can see this sexy T town girl flaunting her assets in a most erotic way possible.Get ready for a visual feast folks!!!

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