Airtel 3g Hack (Increase Your Speed)

 Airtel 3g Hack for computer also we provide for mobile.
It Will Very Useful For Computer users And this content is not written by techwales.
this a guest post by another person.


Step1: Connect via (recommended). If don't have the settings , then go to device manager, select the modem ( in advance tab ), in command simply paste +CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”AIRTELMMS.COM” 

Step2: Create a normal dail-up connection after this connection you will get message no network access

Step3: Now select the device & click connect you will see the message connected

Step4: Right click and select properties.

Step5: Go to networking tab & check all the check boxes

Step6: Click on the Internet Protocol Version(TCP/IP), Click on properties & then use the following address as your DNS
Save the settings.

Step7: A message will appear that settings will take place next time you dail the connection, 
Click ok

Step8: Disconnect the connection & reconnect it to use the latest airtel 3g hack for free.

Enjoy!!! Getting 900kbps downloading speed.

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