Simcity 3000 ()

SimCity 3000 has many options to scale performance for low end systems
and to take full advantage of higher end systems.

The game runs best with full graphics hardware acceleration. Open
Settings Control Panel System. This brings up the System Properties
window. Click on the Performance tab at the far right. This brings up
the Advanced Graphics Settings. Full should be used.

On lower end systems the game will default to 640x480 screen resolution
traffic visible only in the closest 2 zoom levels and sims visible only in
the closest zoom level. Ways to further optimize performance are: turn off some
or all animations select smaller city sizes and run with the simulation at
lower speeds. Music and sound also tax the system.

On higher end systems the game will default to 800x600 screen resolution
traffic visible at the closest 3 zoom levels sims visible at the closest 2 zoom
levels. The screen resolution can be changed. You can run the game in screen
resolutions 1024x768 1152x864 on up. This allows you to see more of your city at
any time.

In general the system is stressed when running with the simulation at full speed
with all animations enabled and with sounds and music playing. To improve
performance turn animations down or off and turn sounds and/or music off and
use lower screen resolution settings. Increasing RAM will improve performance as

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